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The brochure of the EVS project Young volunteers in Moldova

Young volunteers in Moldova, Bacau county

Our organization coordinated between October 2012. and October 2013. the EVS project entitled Young volunteers in Moldova during which the Association of Csango-Hungarians in Moldova hosted 4 volunteers from Hungary, 3 volunteers for a period of 11 months, 1 volunteer for a period of almost 2 months.

During the EVS, the volunteers had the chance to get to know the life of an ethnical group which has a special cultural peculiarity in Europe. However, the infrastructure of the Moldavian Csango villages shows a notable backward of several tens of years from the European average. The compound of cultural wealth and the backward of the infrastructure is typical of the environment in which the volunteers had the opportunity to gain experience.

The scope of the project was to involve volunteers in the preservation of the Csango cultural values, in the amelioration of the social problems this community struggles with and in the facilitation of the social integration of the Csango youths.

The volunteers had the role to support the activities of the hosting organization in the middle of the Csango community from Bacau County. They carried out a wide variety of types of activities in the Csango villages they were assigned, for example cultural, informational, social and educational activities. The cultural activities organized included ballad singing competitions and poems recital competitions, folkloric and cultural nights. The educational activities focused around organizing extracurricular programs for the Csango children, during which they learned literature and grammar, Hungarian language. Vali Edit, one of the volunteers, declared that at the beginning she was stressed, because she did not know how to communicate to the children that they can come to her to learn Hungarian, at another school, after the normal school schedule, but the gossip that she is in the village was spread out quickly and the second day after her arrival around 15 children came to the activities.

The present project offered the possibility to the volunteers to carry out varied activities and tasks and in this way to develop a large variety of competences which they can valorize in the future in their professional and personal life (communication on mother tongue and on foreign languages, creativity and entrepreneurship, digital competences, cultural awareness, etc.).

On the webpage of the project and on blog of the volunteers you can read more information regarding the stage of the young participants, about their activity and experiences related to their stay in the Csango community.

The project was financed by the European Commission through the Youth in Action Program, action 2 – European Voluntary Service.

Visual Communication – Tool for Understanding

Making Of (short Version):

Making of (Long version)

Introduction movie:

Group 1 Same world for all:

Group 2 No hands allowed:

Group 3 It is not a chess game:

Group 4 Another brick in the wall:

Group 5 closed door:
