Young volunteers in Moldova
The EVS project entitled “Young volunteer in Moldova” takes place in Bacau, the EVS has started from October 2012. During the project, the Association of Hungarian Csangos from Moldova hosts 3 volunteers from Hungary for 11-11 months.
The volunteers take part in spare-time activities and provide social and training services to the inhabitants of 16 Moldavian Csango villages.
During the EVS, the volunteers have the chance to get to know the life of an ethnical group which has a special cultural peculiarity in Europe. However, the infrastructure of the Moldavian Csango villages shows a notable backward of several tens of years from the European average. The compound of cultural wealth and the backward of the infrastructure is typical of the environment in which the volunteers have the opportunity to gain experience.
Through our programs they have to face some tasks:
• Organizing handicraft activities and other activities for the children from kindergarten – the volunteers organize creative workshops for children like beading, painting, pottery which contribute to the development of the creativity of the volunteers and of the children.
• Organizing sport activities for a healthier life – the volunteers organize sport activities and competitions for the children and for the youth in order to motivate them to live a healthy life, these activities contribute to the development of motoric skills of the participants and help them to become aware of the importance of moving in order to avoid obesity, overweighting and other health problems.
• Organizing and managing summer camps – through these events the volunteers contribute to the personal and social development of the target persons and also of the volunteers.
• Organizing folkdance and other cultural activities – the volunteers will help to promote the culture of the Csango people and familiarize the community with their cultures (Hungarian). These activities contribute to the establishment of intercultural dialogue between the volunteers and the local-regional community.
• Health information programs – the volunteers organize these programs in order to inform the youth, children and adults of the importance of hygiene, because the region is very poor and many children suffer from illnesses and health problems caused by the lack of hygiene.
• Organizing English courses – the volunteers organize English courses for the Csango youth and children in order to facilitate their social inclusion.
• Organizing EVS seminars on youth program - the volunteers organize these seminars in order to make the youth acquainted with the concept of personal development, the concept of volunteering, to motivate them to participate at such programs and in this way to facilitate their social inclusion.
• Organizing meetings with NGOs –the volunteers organize these events in order to facilitate the cooperation between the organizations by establishing common goals, planning common activities.
• Offer support for teachers, volunteers and residents - in this way the volunteers familiarize with the community.
• Paperwork associated with the activities – the volunteers complete and compile the entire relevant documents which are needed during the activities (reports, diplomas, evaluations, material for the courses, etc.).
The voluntary stage of the 3 youths will end in October 2013.
Source of the photo: MCSMSZ FACEBOOK
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